13 July, 2009

if you're going to san francisco...

... send me photos of my pieces at the curiosity shoppe and paxton gate's curiosities for kids! (curious that my work makes it into two curious shops, eh? curiouser and curiouser...)
i've received two such shots lately; one from the lovely miss kira:

and one from the equally lovely danica:

super rad! i did have photos of the alphabet display over at paxton gate sent to me by my friend jared (who of course falls into the category of lovely as well), but i didn't file them away anywhere logical on this computer -- so i can't find them. but i assure you, the display looks great! if you are in the sf area, you should check these places out!

hey, and while we're speaking of sf -- i'm sending some love to my friend jesika, of mosey handmade, as she prepares to go to sf this weekend for their renegade craft fair!! go get 'em, friend!

1 comment:

Karen Lewis Textiles said...

If only I was going to san francisco :-( Your things look amazing in there :-)