here's the story: as you may remember, from here and here, i had made a few embroidered hankies for my bf. well, because i think they're kinda cool, and because i know that at craft fairs there aren't so many things to buy for the dudes, i was gonna stitch up a bunch of them to sell at art star. but then, as i was stitching the first or second one, i thought, "wait a minute -- why am i doing this? it would be so much cooler if the girl stitches the hankie herself, instead of just buying and giving one that was stitched by some other girl." so -- the kit idea came to me -- this way, i didnt have to do the stitching work, i could offer it at a cheaper price, AND it's sharing the how-to and creative empowerment with others! woo-hoo!
they were pretty well received at this past weekend's fair, so i got some more hankies and put together more kits. i tweeted this sneak peek preview yesterday

and got a pretty great reaction, so this morning i got these babies listed in the shop.
the photos aren't ideal - i need a new camera... these are taken with my phone -- soon i'll get better shots, but these'll have to do for now. sorry.
here are the kit contents:

and here's what you can do with them!

i included a lot of different choices, like sweetheart, and my love, and darling, and sugar booger, and stuff like that, mostly in easy-to-stitch script fonts. i'm hoping, too, that some people get the kit and then, with the materials, put their own creative flair into the project. fun! want one? get it here!
these are fantastic- what a great idea! and the pics from artstar look great- i love the wall with all of your framed pieces- they merge beautifully.
Ack! That plaid fabric is too perfect! I hope that you'll have some of these kits at renegade because I'll be making a beeline straight for them. How exciting!
thanks, ladies! leila - there will certainly be some of these at renegade - i'm looking forward to seeing you!
hi Kim, it's great to see that your shop is going strong! featured your kit on my blog:)
Have a great week,
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