i had them done up in two colors -- both with red printing but some on this gorgeous blue and some on my old favourite plain natural canvas. i'm thrilled with both versions!

i love how the ink is raised - making them look almost like actual stitches.
with these, too, matt did a great job with aligning the print. i gave him strips of fabric that i had precut from which i'd make the zippies. it was a breeze sewing them up because the prints were all in just the right place!
these are up in the etsy shop. if you love them, go on and get one! (one customer at renegade brooklyn this past weekend was very excited to find that these fit a kindle with just a bit of room to spare. she'd found that most zippy pouches were too small - but these ones fit the bill, and they look a lot cooler than most of the kindle cases out there on the market.)
and, the week before renegade, i whipped up some other zippies and adorned them with some of the vintage trim from my slightly-too-out-of-control collection. several of them were sold at renegade, but these pretties are still with me. i'll be adding them to the shop as i get time:
happy wednesday!
Those are totally awesome! I want a blue one...
thanks, chase!
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