i hate to admit it, but it's taken me waaaay longer than i had anticipated to get all set up and acclimated and back to life and work as normal out here. in my head, i had seen this time as three months that i would work-work-work -- stitching away in my little house under the lemon trees, working on new designs and inspirations. it doesnt seem to be panning out that way -- which may just be okay. i've found myself in this beautiful foreign place, surrounded by wonderfully loving friends who are helping me remember how to relax a little and have fun. i think i'm a little bitten by the california bug -- all sunshine and laid back attitude and so many places to explore.
work is still happening, though! i'm just not having as prolific of a time as i had imagined.

renegade L.A is in three weeks and i'm starting to stockpile the goods in preparation. i have no idea what to expect, having never done a fair on the west coast, but i'm feeling okay about it none-the-less. vendor packets arrived yesterday and i'm happy to see that my booth, which i'll be sharing with mia of ticings (check it out -- she does designer edible icing sheets - i'll be around cupcakes all day!), seems to be in a good location, right in the middle and on a corner. yee-haw! my product line offering is going to be a little smaller, since i'm sharing the space and i didnt want to have to ship out EVERYthing. but i'll have sandwich wrappers, and d.i.y. cross stitch kits and patterns, and strawberries, and the boyfriend hankie kits. i'll also have the finished cross-stitch pieces, of course - which means i gotta get back to stitching!
Looks cute but check your E before you put it out.
I was thrilled to see you listed on the Renegade site! I'm really looking forward to seeing your booth. Your silver-lined clouds really inspired me to take risks and try so new cross stitch patterns.
Hope to see you there!
hi marjean -- thanks for the proofing! -- it was still in progress, though - i hit the rest of that E on the way back. and campfire chic -- please stop by and be sure to introduce yourself! it really is amazing and motivating to hear that i've inspired you; i'd love to hear about your projects!
Oh man I wish you would come to the renegade out here in SF. It would be so great to see your creations in person, though it is probably better for my budget that you go to LA instead, lol.
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