really really really frustrating -- being over halfway finished a piece for an order and then dripping coffee onto it. and the spot wont come out. grrrrr. not a happy way to start a morning.
anyone out there ever tried tea-dying a piece after it's been stitched? that's the only way i can think to salvage the work that's been done already. or i'll just have to scrap it. oh man. oh well, in the meantime, here i go -- starting over again from scratch...
happy monday.
I did something just like this recently - aka: totally goofed. I was using a dark purple floss on white & wound up tea staining my project to hide the mistake. Thankfully the floss didn't run while the fabric was hot! I was pretty surprised. I like to use a lot of tea & salt (I heard the salt "sets" it, who knows if that is true or not).
If you stain that one I bet you it'll look great!
You could try some oxyclean, just a scoop in cool water (less likely the dye in the thread would run that way).
I've never teastained a piece after it was stitched but I imagine it would work and look really cool here!
thank you so much for the suggestions! after trying twice with dishsoap on a q-tip and blotting at it, and then not seeing any difference, i started all over again. some hours later i tried oxyclean and it totally did work. wowsers. so then i finished both pieces and now i have an extra one for the upcoming renegade fair. so -- all's well now. i SO appreciated your suggestions and support though - that was a frustrating morning for sure!
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