the weather was absolutely beautiful. we really lucked out with that.
here's the chez-sucre-chez shop:
the little cutesy stuff hanging out on the corner of the table to lure people in:
the totes and towels:
the cross-stitched stuff:
also noted:
**thank you to friend molly, who put together a care package for me to take with me on my drive. fresh baked muffins, a delicious cheese and tomato sandwich (on home-baked sammy bread - with the tomato in a separate bag to prevent sogginess, and a little ice-pack to keep the mayo fresh... wow.), trail mix, pretzels and a peach. it kept me from realizing how really really terrible road food is; until the ride home, that is, when for breakfast i ate the worst egg-and-cheese-on-a-bagel that i've ever had (i havent had too many in my life, but this was bad.) and for lunch/dinner i had a way-bigger-than-should-be-allowed medium milk shake. booooooooo.
**also thank you to grade/high school friend megan, who made the trip down from michigan to spend a good part of the weekend with me. we got to catch up on a lot of years of history over dinner and wine and she helped me SO much with my saturday night/sunday morning set-up and break-down and general craft-fairing. thanks so much for the company and the help, meg! this was the view out the window of our borrowed condo:
**jacob - you are super-duper craft fair neighbor.
**lisa, it was great great great to meet you!
**the whole renegade shop and event team are awesome. thank you danny and kate and sue. chez-sucre-chez products are now available in the brick-and-mortar renegade shop there in chicago. yay!
**pennsylvania is an absolutely gorgeous state.
1 comment:
It was great great great to meet you also. I have always wanted to share that table photo with you. If you ever come again I'd love to have dinner! (or make it, I am a chef instructor!) I really hope you can find the book, I am trying to look myself. The towel in my kitchen is fantastic, my kitchen is painted a color called Salsa Dancing so as you can imagine it matches!
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