i've been stitching a lot of hands to fulfill my very first wholesale order.
hooray hooray!
both the brooklyn and the chicago stores of sprout home will be carrying my chez-sucre-chez hand-towels! yeah!
if you aren't in brooklyn or chicago and you know right now that you just must have one of these babies, you'd better click on over to my etsy shop right quick! i will only be selling them through etsy for another week -- then you're gonna have to go to sprout (which is an absolutely lovely place, anyway), or catch me at a craft fair. eeks. craft fairs -- i'm filling my schedule with those for the next few months! more on that later!
hand-embroidered hand-towels available in white: (click here!)
or beige: (click here!)
Congratulations! I'll have to check that out. I don't think I've ever been to sprout.
ok, kimberly of chez sucre chez. these make me utterly happy. these are ADORABLE. i LOVE LOVE LOVE them!!!!
lots of hard work with your hands...
i bet the tiny success makes you very proud...
Congrats!!! I love this idea!
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