20 November, 2012


last year for xmas, emil got a present that he loves much more than i would ever imagine;

B's mom got/gave emil a little cat-sized pillow, stuffed with a mixture of fluff and catnip. when we got home and gave it to him that night, the 14 year old cat went bonkers. he rolled all over it, wrestled it, threw it up in the air, pounced on it, and then, finally, snuggled it and fell asleep with his head on it just like a person.
it's almost a full year later and he STILL loves that pillow, playing with or sleeping next to it almost every day.
so - i've been meaning to make some up, chez-sucre-chez style. the one he has is so fantastic, the only thing i'd change about it is the fabric. and that's what i've done.

after i made the first one up today, i gave it to emil to test out. this is what ensued:

and then he finally settled down enough that i could get some straight shots without any blur:

happiness! so, since this was such a success, i made up a few more and put them in the shop. you, too, can give the gift of bliss to your fuzzy friend!
made out of scraps from the bowl covers (you know i love to keep this world a greener place by using up my scraps!), new polyfill stuffing, and local farm-grown catnip, the pillows are sewn with double-stitched seams, and then zip-zag sewn on top of that to make them wild animal proof. fabrics will change as i go through stock, so check in often to see what's new, and if you see one you love, snap it up!

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