22 May, 2013

starting to feel like summer

Oh my goodness, I love this weather. This is the time of year that I jump out of bed early in the morning ready to make things happen.
Here are a few things I've made happen so far this week:

Bowl covers - in new prints. I've actually had the blue print for a while, and had done some bowl covers in that print for Art Star, but now I've made up enough and photographed them and they're in the shop. And that pink -- well, pink isn't usually one of my colors, not for chez-sucre-chez, anyway, but there was something about that fabric that made me swoon. I had to have it; I had to make things with it. And now there are bowl covers, and I'm pretty okay with them - I'm really okay with them, in fact.

Another custom piece; Marvin Gaye lyrics. This one actually happened last week. I like it a lot. The quote was longer/more wordy than ones that I've done in the past - but I really wanted it to fit in the circular format, so I used 16 count aida instead of my usual 14 count, and then I was able to get it in the 12" diameter hoop/frame.

And then there's this, the latest piece to come off my hoop:

It kinda took me way longer than I thought it would - partly due to many mistakes that I made, and had to tear out, and redo, towards the end -- but it turned out almost exactly like I had envisioned it. I like when that happens.

I got another one of those patterned paint rollers - can you tell that I am obsessed with these things?

Here's another one of those frank behind-the-scenes shot:

I'm setting up this scenario in our bedroom, where the landlords have requested I not paint over their color. Oh man, I love these wallpaper things! (This one I got from here, a US-based outlet. I'm not quite sure how they get away with selling these things through etsy, but I'll take it.) I bought a big roll of Banner Paper (sold at Staples in the shipping supplies aisle) and put that up on the walls with a bunch of masking tape - and then I rolled on over them with the paint. Kinda wish I had the energy and drive to do the whole room like this....

I'll be posting more shots of this set-up once I get more pieces on the wall.
I hope the weather wherever you are is sunny and warm - or chilly and grey - whatever makes you happy. xo.

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