over the weekend i learned a new craft - cross-stitch. i spent the weekend with my mama, and learned that she is the one who instilled, inspired, and encouraged my craftiness. and for that (and so much more), i love and thank her.
i was recently inspired to learn after seeing a beautiful little collection of antique black on white silhouette cross-stitch pieces in the foyer of a certain apartment building in greenpoint. so, i went out and got my supplies, and then asked my mom for a lesson. well, she pulled out a whole three bags full of supplies and half-completed projects. (a-HA! i also see where i get my proclivities for excessive-craft-supply-collecting and starting-but-not-always-finishing projects!) well, i consolidated her stash into one bag -- and came back to new york with the supplies and the know-how to start my own projects (which i hope to finish.)
i did this last night -- the cross-stitching isn't perfect, but i was happy that i was able to trace and make the pattern myself (using freezer paper as a stencil to guide my lines).
and this -- man, i can't even look at it without cracking up -- is one of my mom's projects - she had it ALMOST finished, and i learned by finishing the rest. ATTACK CRABS?!!?!?!? HAHAHHAHA. i will be hanging this on the door to my house.